[...] You will find these four words at the New Generations festival held in Milan on November 28, 29, and 30, but do not be deceived by my introduction, because the curators, Gianpiero Venturini and Carlo Venegoni, have chosen the best architects' studios observing, not the Italy made up of different regions, but Italy as a region of Europe. All the speeches will be pithy and to the point, with a limited number of clear ideas, thus avoiding the verbal diarrhea, often full of personal opinions, of 20th-century conferences.
[...] these are the names (and luckily today we don't need their surnames, only their web addresses) of an Italy that shares nothing with the empty, often shouted words of television. These are practical men and women who love to get their hands dirty: open, instinctive, social. They know full well that the web is a notice-board where ideas can be exchanged and shared not just in the virtual world but in the real one as well. Their approach can be summed up as "dialogue with nature, sacrifice and simplicity".
[...] A.M.O. Venezia ... is not the Venice branch of the conceptual arm of the Rem Koolhaas's O.M.A. studio. "A.M.O. Venezia" stands for "Ancient Maps of Venice". It's a free app developed by Venice university's cartography and geographical information system under Professor Francesco Guerra. The app enables you to see the changes that have taken place in Venice through historic maps from the cartography and geographic information system.