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14 maggio 2013


“Words,” wrote Gabriele Mastrigli, “can only be an immense text/territory… that refuses to ‘put things in their places.’”

Parole (“words”) remains an exception to the prevailing norm in web-based architecture writing that insists on writing for the digital page as if it were a sheet of paper. I recently had a discussion with two of the site’s creators, Andrea Balestrero and Fabrizio Gallanti.

1 commento:

  1. you have to add the MAP to it...
    the "virtual architecture" for parole is also based on the insight that it's impossible to create a complete map of contemporary (urban) conditions. when i wrote it in early 2000, i wanted to create a possibility for virtually infinite relations and proximity of concepts. call it multi-dimensional...

    it's bricks and mortar (aka "code") is influenced by ideas of Borghes, books by Pynchon, later Sterne, his problem in Tristram Shandy, where writing a diary of a day takes him a year, which means the book can only finish in infinity...

    anyway, that was a fruitful resonance (in) between A12's research and my interest in readable landscapes, textures, maps of consciousness... a pity that it stopped at some point.

    kind regards, udo


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