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8 aprile 2013

overspeed by Salvatore Gozzo: an involuntary monument to our times

One year since the overspeed accident that caused the grounding of the oil tanker Gelso M, the ship remains stranded on the rocks of Capo Santa Panagia.
To celebrate the opening of the new Pekstudio, the cultural association Pekstudio Foundation will host an exhibition of Salvatore Gozzo’s photography project Overspeed, curated by Salvatore D’Agostino and originally published here in the “points of view” section of Wilfing Architettura.
Seen from above, Capo Santa Panagia resembles a large crag separating the city of men, to the south, from the city of petrochemical fumes, to the north. This promontory of whitened rock has been witness in recent decades to the rapid transformation of a simple town into an industrial center. Thanks to economic “overspeed” directed by astute industrialists and favored by political circumstances, Syracuse managed to attract large amounts of capital in the ‘60s and ‘70s, decades of significant economic development.


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