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10 ottobre 2013

Three new art, design & city projects you need to know about

Galleria Occupata ("Employed" Art Gallery)

A miscellaneous group of artists from Catania came up with the idea of Galleria Occupata. The artists - who come from various different backgrounds including la Fondazione Brodbeck (The Brodbeck Foundation), BOCS (Box of Contemporary Space)", Malastrada film and the Canecapovolto Collective - have never occupied a physical space but the project proposes that the gallery would take care of the artists as if they were "employees".

Galleria Occupata was founded and is managed by artists and intellectuals; it has introduced itself dialectically on the contemporary art scene with a few programmatic one-liners:
  • Research is the only work possible!
  • Formalization is a moment of research.
  • An artist is a worker!

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