25 luglio 2024

0016 [WILFING] a goodbye until September, #freehand and the ten most read posts on Wilfing Architettura

by Salvatore D'Agostino
    Sure, I've just reopened the blog and I'm writing to let you know we'll catch up in September. I'm taking a break, and if I have the energy, I'll post some travel photos from my album that I've posted on my personal Facebook page #amanolibera
    These are photos I take without ever looking through the viewfinder, but trying with my hand to photograph the landscape I see through the windows during my work and leisure trips. A random portrait of the landscape, of what our gaze sees traveling the roads that take us to the places where we've set our stops. The project will include 999 photos of imperfect, random images, conceived with the simple gesture of the free hand moving through space.

    Before wishing you happy holidays, in resuming the publications I found the list of the top ten most read posts on this blog very interesting. I believe these posts were never crafted using the suggestive tone common in much of the industry's publications. Indeed, they are posts that demand attention and require a good deal of patience to be read. Perhaps to be read leisurely under the sun umbrella.

We'll catch up in September with new posts and interviews.

The ten most read posts on Wilfing Architettura:

0056 [SPECULATION] Happy Birthday Caccia!

    A very long interview conducted on November 10, 2005, by Pierfrancesco Sacerdoti and Tommaso Cigarini, perhaps one of the most extensive texts published on the blog. An interview in which the architect's know-how emerges, thanks to the questions skillfully posed by the two architects. It also discusses a moral issue that the architect must have towards the client and public responsibility:

"An architect must be a decent person, honest in intentions. They must not act for themselves, they must act for others. They must do well for both. The priority is the client, who asks you. Of course, if they ask for something immoral, I won't do it." (Luigi Caccia Dominioni)

0025 [SPECULATION] Urbanity drawn by GIPI

    An interview with one of the most talented Italian cartoonists, where the relationship of the comic with the landscape and the city is explored, without neglecting social factors:

"Anyway, in a society that pushes for outer beauty, success, wealth, without minimally considering the practices used to achieve these goals, being disgusting is, perhaps, really, a moral duty." (Gipi)

0008 [SQUOLA] Mario Fiorentino: Corviale, a Roman building

    An important video recovery thanks to Isidoro Pennisi of an interview with the architect Mario Fiorentino for an exhibition. Regarding his project at Corviale, the architect immediately clarifies a misunderstanding:

"It must be immediately dispelled that Corviale is something like a housing unit. Corviale is precisely the opposite of the housing unit, which was conceived as a repetitive element, studied in its complexity and functionality and that can be replicated. Corviale was born as a unicum for that specific site and for the city of Rome." (Mario Fiorentino)

0030 [SPECULATION] The architecture of Franco La Cecla

    An interview somewhat improper from both sides. Important this quote about the Strait Bridge, on which I will soon return with a proper investigation.

"There is very little to say about the Bridge over the Strait. [...] It's a stupid, dubious work, that is not needed because today the real flows move by ship on containers and the best project admits a central oscillation of one hundred days (with excursions up to twenty meters) per year, such that on those days the bridge must be closed to traffic." (Franco La Cecla)

0004 [POINTS DE VUE] Giuseppe Genna | The Autoanthropology of Furnishing

    A parody of interior design magazines, using the narrative device of images with captions, writer Giuseppe Genna presents his miserable living solution.

"The monastic, anorgasmic, prosolonghi, white, matrimonial, saturnine, de-exciting bed, also undone where the Miserable cares for the ailments of soul and body, although not having a cilice, but at this point would covet one. In the bedside table on the left, note two drawers: in one the Miserable would like to hide a dildo like the protagonists of "Sex & the City", but does not do it, because he would not know what to do with a dildo." (Giuseppe Genna)

0039 [SPECULATION] A conversation with Walter Siti

    Walter Siti Should be read and reread; in this interview, his profile as a great writer is outlined:

"Now I have the impression that that bourgeoisie is a species in extinction and that many have given their daughters in marriage to the new barbarians. Where the daughters are precisely the ideas, the old certainties. The grandchildren resemble a bit the grandfather who listens to Schubert and a bit the grandfather who enjoys The Pupa and the Geek; they will no longer know what comes from one and what from the other." (Walter Siti)

0070 [BEYOND THE SENSE OF PLACE] Petra Dura, Architecture and Contours

    With amazement, I found this post from my investigation. I hope to edit the book born from this investigation in September, which was done by multiple hands.

Do you remember the questions?

Who is the well-known architect you appreciate and why?

Who is the lesser-known architect you appreciate and why?

Here are the answers given by multiple voices of the collective blog.

Richard Sennett | No one likes a city that's too smart

    One of the few texts in English. That's why with this new beginning I will translate all the articles thanks to the use of AI.

"Technology is a great tool when used responsibly, like in Rio. But a city is not a machine. As in Masdar and Songdo, technology can numb and weaken people living passively in its efficient all-encompassing embrace. We want cities that function well but are open to transformations, uncertainties, and the mess of real life." (Richard Sennett)

0012 [SQUOLA] Alessandro Anselmi: the design of architectur

    Another interview from the audiovisual archive of the University of Reggio Calabria thanks to Isidoro Pennisi.

"One of the great advantages of architectural experimentation around the relationship with history and especially in a sort of dual-track methodology between spatial depth and figurative archetype. I believe this approach can yield very positive results today." (Alessandro Anselmi)

0055 [SPECULATION] End of biennial dialogue with Cino Zucchi

    Practically a non-interview and perhaps my best interview, because sometimes there is nothing to say or there isn't the patience to be attentive and go to the bottom of things.

"However, I am neither a critic nor a theorist, I am an architect. Once a job is finished, I consider it closed from an intellectual point of view, and I move on to the next one. The things I had left behind to do the Biennale all fell on my head at once, leaving me no time for anything else." (Cino Zucchi)

July 25, 2024

Intersections ---> MONDOBLOG

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