26 giugno 2024

Things within things

di Salvatore D'Agostino
    At the end of every month in our studio, we gather to discuss architectural themes, often involving different authors, not necessarily architects, to maintain a fresh and open perspective. This approach helps us avoid becoming enclosed in suffocating narcissism. This month, we've chosen to reflect on the theme of 'things within things', inspired by the words of the geographer Franco Farinelli:
«It happens that one is first and foremost forced to give up any model of the world's functioning that is exclusively spatial, that is, based on the existence of a standard interval that allows keeping the subject separate from the object, both fixed and immobile. Thus, one is forced to rediscover that the world does not consist of things that are more or less distant or close to each other, as Western culture from modernity onwards has convinced us, but rather of things that exist within each other.*»
    For years this theme has been a constant source of observation and reflection for me. With a planned stay in Sicily next week, I have invited Isidoro Pennisi to join our internal discussion at the temporary headquarters of our studio in Catania. Captivated by the theme, Isidoro has proposed extending the discussion into a public conference, organized at the Order of Architects of Catania, at Largo Paisiello no. 5, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
    If you are in the area, it would be a pleasure to meet you.
    For participating it is required previous registration at the following link, with the possibility of retrieving 3 formative credits.
26 giugno 2024

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